8 Surprising Things That I Learnt at a Summer Camp with Romani Children

Blog by Peter Nagy, August, 2016, THE SLOVAK  SPECTATOR.    


Interview with Zuzana Révészová, a supervisor of the ETP Slovakia’s Criss-Cross after-school clubs, run in a partnership with three local elementary...

New home owners in Rankovce are waiting for the faucets to be installed

From this week on, four families in Rankovce will enjoy the access to running water in their self-built homes, which...

Reflections on a workshop Building Hope

According to the Atlas of Roma Communities of 2013, in Slovakia there are 215 436 people living in 29 406 houses in...

A Missionary

„If it wasn´t for Fraňa, it wouldn´t have been possible.” That much canbe saidwhen talking about our project of self-help...