Aký bol náš rok 2022?

Na záver roka sa s Vami chceme podeliť o niekoľko momentiek z toho, čo sme aj vďaka Vašej podpore tento...

In the new year at a new address

At the end of 2020, we went through major changes. We moved our headquarters and office to a new address....

Art in an unusual place: Children revealed the less known face of Košice’s neighbourhood Luník IX

If you thought that there’s nothing that can surprise you about Luník IX, you were wrong. The neighbourhood, known all...

Košice has new web site for migrants!

The new section of the Košice City website focuses on migrants living in Košice.

Bon Appetit, Neighbor!

Christmas time is coming, so why not use the opportunity to encourage Košice locals to spend their festive time with...