How is the life of minorities in Košice?
IntegRAre! Colourful Life – Diverse Košice was the name of the public event organized by ETP Slovakia in cooperation with...
IntegRAre! Colourful Life – Diverse Košice was the name of the public event organized by ETP Slovakia in cooperation with...
Carpathian Civil Society Platform Creation of an inter-regional civil society hub for social inclusion in the Carpathian region
IntegRare! Život v pestrosti – rôznorodé Košice bol názov podujatia pre verejnosť,
At the international conference entitled “Identifying the Challenges and Ways of Preventing Discrimination and Segregation in Education” our colleague, Lenka...
Mark Penfold is a British expert on inclusive education and he is an independent counsellor for the Council of Europe...