Press release ETP Slovakia is launching the communication campaign „I am from Košice“
March 28, 2019
During intensive work in 2018 ETP Slovakia – Center for Sustainable Development carried outan audit of the city of Kosice in the area of integration of TCN and in a broad partnership created the City Integration Agenda. In 2019 we will focus on the creative part of the project.
It is connected with the communication campaign towards the public, including TCN living in Košice. The campaign also includes advocacy activities towards Košice official representatives to make the City Integration Agenda – the first comprehensive material of this subject – a living material, a basis which local municipality can build its action plans on.
On March 27, 2019, we organized a stakeholders meeting at the Municipality Office in Košice. Representatives of the local authorities, NGOs, Slovak Academy of Sciences and marketing agency contributed to the concept of communication and advocacy campaign.
The communication campaign will follow the message we introduced in January at IntegRare! Colourful Life – Diverse Košice public event. We are convinced that the stories of individuals and the stories of joining and creating local communities are both inspiring and understandable. We will present them through local media, locally popular events, online social networks and creative materials that will not only provide information but also artistic value.
At the same time, we want to help create an information package (both online and offline) for TCN coming to the city. They bring the know-how, experience and desire to get involved in the city’s life. Making their first steps easier will strengthen also their effective integration into local community.
We enjoy joining people from different worlds who live together in one city.
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