The village of Mníšek nad Hnilcom
is a middle-size village of the Hnilec valley. Its uniqueness lies in its clean environment and developed social life. Its present inhabitants are descendants of Carpathian Germans, therefore a numerous part of inhabitants claim their German ethnical background. The largest ethnic group, however, are Romas. Unemployment is a significant problem in the municipality. Despite this, the municipality has lately undergone progressive changes, and sidewalks, roads, an ice rink and tennis courts have been built. The biggest benefit for the municipality during the recent period is the installation of a gas line.
Since the beginning of the YOUR SPIš Fund (FTS) activities in the municipality, both the mayor and municipal council have shown a great interest in cooperation. Their helpfulness is displayed by their willingness to seek and provide premises for activities of the FTS in the village.
The following NGOs run their activities in Mníšek nad Hnilcom: Civic Cultural Centre Homo sapiens, Union of Carpathian Germans, Sports Association, and Union of the Handicapped, Slovak Red Cross, and The Union of Bee-keepers. Some of them – supported by the Fund grant resources – have implemented interesting community projects: a group of women from the Roma Civic Cultural Centre Homo sapiens organized a theatre performance of the junior group called Melalo, and the Sports Association supported by several unions organized the construction of the Tanzplatz. A project of constructing the Dráčik-park focusing on the development of the motoric skills of children has bee implemented by the local branch of the Voluntary Fire fighting Union.
In the course of the YOUR SPIš Fund operation many new community organizations have been established. The first of them is an informal group of Roma inhabitants called The Association of Kloport Farmers. The mission of this association is farm work, breeding livestock, wood-cutting, etc. Its members with the help of a chainsaw purchased from the resources of the Programme have, cleaned shaggy municipal estates and get wood for their own needs. A joint initiative of the Fund and the municipality resulted in the establishment of the community centre in Mníšek nad Hnilcom in December 2003.