Our story
About us
Our mission is to support regional development, to protect environment and to help in developing social, economical, educational and cultural potential of people, organizations and communities with emphasis on disadvantaged regions, social groups and ethnical minorities.
Cradle to career
We believe that the best way of improving lives of those in need is long-term mentoring. Our work starts with children as young as 4 years in pre-school clubs. Then we continue to work with them through elementary school providing support in FIE clubs. Our youngsters have their own musical band. To adults, we provide financial advise and tutoring. And we do not forget about the elders – we help them to be valuable part of community.
Creating Opportunities, Bridging Differences
ETP has always considered its field work a priority, at the same time realizing the need to share our expertise with others to multiply the success of our projects. o diminish the stereotypes surrounding them, we focus on creating space for mutual encounters with the majority.
Self-help construction of houses
Our most successful social innovation connects the activities of the Housing and Financial Inclusion Programs. The clients who decide to make use of our innovative tools first need to complete the Financial Education course to be able to participate in the Savings Program, whose successful completion is the precondition for entering the Microloans Program. The saved funds and an interest-free microloan enable the clients to realize their construction or reconstruction projects.
Mentoring programme – Capable Children offers to children and youngsters from MRC an adult friend – person who accompanies them on their way towards independence and responsability. Local mentors focus mostly on children finishing elementary school or students currently enrolled in high schools in order to help them overcome struggles with social and study life. Online mentors build their relationships with children via media and therefore help them to improve their communication skills.